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Welcome to Middle of the week or "hump day" as I call it, the fanlisting for Wednesday that's listed at The Fanlistings Network. I love weekends, but Wednesday is my favorite day during the week because it's the night that a group of my friends and I picked to get together every week to play cards, board games, order pizza, go out to eat, watch movies & other stuff, so it's special for me. If you're a fan of Wednesday's, please consider joining! It's easy, it's free, and it just shows that you're a fan! :)

Fanlisting Stats

Last update: 19th February 2025
Current members: 102 (+ 0)
Newest member(s): Courtnee
Category: Calendar Events

The Wednesday fanlisting was previously owned by Alice (mortify.nu) and Sophie (fan.ducksmudge.org)


Disclaimer: This is just a fansite. I don't own any of the images used in the making of this fanlisting. I'm just a fan like you.