
to One in Five Billion, the fanlisting for the relationship between Fox Mulder & Dana Scully (The X-Files) that's listed at The Fanlistings Network. If you're a fan of Mulder & Scully, please consider joining! It's easy, it's free, and it just shows that you're a fan! :)

Fanlisting Stats

Last update: 25th March 2025
Current members: 211 (+ 0)
Newest member(s): Fritzi
Category: Relationships: TV

The Fox Mulder & Dana Scully fanlisting was previously owned by Holly (define-interesting.net) and also by Kerry (fan.saltandburn.org)


Disclaimer: This is just a fansite. I don't know anyone that's a part of The X-Files. I'm just a fan like you. The beautiful layout was made by Mal.