to December Girl at decembergirl.net - Mandy's fanlistings collective. Fanlistings are websites that list fans of a subject - such as fans of an actor, actress, movie or character, and you only need to put your name, email address if you have one, and country, to join. It costs nothing and it's fun to be listed just to say that you like or love the subject!

Site Stats
I currently own 28 fanlistings, with 0 upcoming. There are 20029 (+ 1) members listed. In addition, this collective has 39 affiliates.

Latest updates

January 15, 2025: Happy 2025!
November 24, 2019: Finished the 01.06 - The Pack (BtVS) fanlisting!

Fan of me?

Layout by my Secret Santa, Sarah (thatstherumor.net)! <3

Hosted with TheWildRose.org

Amanda Rowe | December Girl