
to Because You Were Home, the fanlisting for the movie THE STRANGERS that's listed at The Fanlistings Network & The Movielistings Network. The Strangers stars Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman as Kristen McKay and James Hoyt, a young couple going through some relationship problems, but that's nothing compared to what they experience at 4:00 am one morning, with a sudden knock at the door, and a girl who asks "Is Tamara here?" If you're a fan of The Strangers, please consider joining! It's easy, it's free, and it just shows that you're a fan! :)

Fanlisting Stats

Last update: 30th January 2025
Current members: 92 (+ 0)
Newest member(s): Anthony
Category: Movies


Disclaimer: This is just a fansite. I don't know anyone that's a part of the movie. I'm just a fan like you. The beautiful layout was made by Lorian.